Things happen when traveling and some are controllable and others uncontrollable. When flights get cancelled or are delayed it is not controllable by the traveler. This happens and you have to roll with the flow.
Things happen when traveling and some are controllable and others uncontrollable. When flights get cancelled or are delayed it is not controllable by the traveler. This happens and you have to roll with the flow.
Occasionally the trip includes a third location. From Buenos Aires, we headed south into Patagonia and the town of Bariloche.
In some trips students may move on to a second location.
Transition to a new city Read More »
Most trips include a county deep dive into the culture or typical activity. On this trip in Chile we traveled to the Andes for hiking and horseback riding.
Most trips include a city tour that stops at downtown, governmental centers, market areas, and religious spaces. In Santiago, we visit their White House.